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Welcome to Nebari's documentation

Nebari is an open source data science platform, developed for collaboration and scalability. It aims to provide a robust infrastructure that can quickly be set up (deployed).

Nebari overview sequence showing deploying from yaml to cloud resources to the instance spinup selection

Learning paths

Nebari's individual documentation page have specific purpose and an intended audience. You can be an administrator configuring resources for your team or a data scientist looking to create dashboards (or you might alternate among roles over time).

The following tabs provide a quick guide for the different paths you can take to navigate Nebari's documentation.

If you are a data practitioner using Nebari for your day-to-day work, like data analysis, visualization, and more, the following path and pages will be useful for you.

🔸 Log-in to your team's Nebari instance, launch your JupyterLab server, and use the IPython/Jupyter notebooks.

🔸 Learn to create new environments (kernels) using conda-store if you need specific libraries.

🔸 If you need to scale your work, leverage Dask and Dask Gateway for parallel and distributed computing within Nebari.

🔸 Learn to create and share interactive data visualization dashboards with your team.

🔸 You can also consider Visual Studio Code if that is more convenient for your work.

Get Started

New to Nebari? Start here to set up your own Nebari instance.

Learn how to install and deploy Nebari from scratch →

Refer to CLI commands in the Quick start →

↳ Read all the getting started resources


Learn to use different Nebari features and integrations with our end-to-end, standalone walkthroughs.

Work with big data using Dask →

Create, deploy, and share a Panel dashboard →

↳ Read all tutorials

How-to guides

Learn to perform specific tasks in Nebari, with step-by-step instructions.

If you're an administrator, read how-to configure Keycloack for all users →

If you're a data scientist, learn how-to use Visual Studio code for your work →

↳ Read all guides


Nebari is a community-led open source project, learn how you can get involved!

Facing issues with Nebari? Get support on GitHub discussions or the issue tracker →

Learn how you can contribute to Nebari, beyond code and pull-requests →

↳ Read all community resources


Understand technical details of Nebari's architecture and how it works.

Release notes →

↳ Read all references